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We meet Sundays at 17:30 (5:30 PM)

What to expect

Our church community meets and chats in the period before the service.

We gather in the sanctuary to begin our worship and praise of our God.

We generally sing a few songs to help us bring ourselves into God’s presence.  The music is chosen to align with the sermon and the Word being taught.

We take a few minutes to greet those around us and to welcome guests.

We stand together and participate in hearing and speaking God’s word.

We use this time to publicly put our petitions and praises before our God.  Anyone may raise up prayer, thanksgiving or praise.  You are invited to speak in whatever language is most natural to you.  God speaks them all!

Our pastor will open God’s word to us.  In general, we preach through the Bible expositionally. This means we study a book of the Bible in its entirety, verse by verse from beginning to end. We do this because we want to hear what God has to say to us through His word…all of it.

Once a month, we remember Christ’s sacrifice for us.  We share communion together.

The pastor will close the worship in prayer and by offering a benediction from the Scripture.

We remain for a short time after the service to chat with friends and guests.  Food and drinks are available.

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