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Prayer Groups

We value prayer at IBC, both in the daily practice of every believer and as a congregation when we gather. We have a time of congregational prayer at each of our church services. We also have prayer groups who meet and pray for the needs of the church. If you have a personal prayer need and would like to share it with one of our prayer groups, please click on the Contact button.


Every three months we gather for a half-day of prayer. Whether for the morning or the afternoon, we break up into small groups and spend time praying for various needs, local and global. This is a time to pray BIG prayers, to ask God to act in our nation and the world.

Visit our calendar to see when the next one is scheduled. They are typically scheduled around Jan. 1, the beginning of April, beginning of July, and end of October.


Every Sunday morning at IBC ST. PAUL before the church service, starting at 10:15am. 

What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use—men of prayer, men mighty in prayer.”

~ E. M. Bounds

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