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The International Churches of Nice and Saint Paul de Vence

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Postponed Autumn Harvest Festival

IBC Arnolds 550 Chemin de la Tour, St Paul de Vence, France

IBC’s Annual Harvest Festival Come and join the fall fun! There will be games, snacks, music, Chili con carne cook-off and Bake-off. If you would like to compete in one or both of the...

Sunday Worship St Paul (in person and on-line) / Culte à IBC Saint-Paul dimanche (sur place ou en ligne)

IBC St Paul de Vence Rond Point Sainte Claire, Espace Sainte Claire Commercial Center/Indigo Parking Garage on Level 0, St Paul de Vence, France

Join us on Sunday morning at 1045 in St Paul de Vence to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche 1045 pour adorer notre Seigneur. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...

Potluck Sunday St Paul / Déjeuner “à la fortune du pot” à St. Paul

IBC St Paul de Vence Rond Point Sainte Claire, Espace Sainte Claire Commercial Center/Indigo Parking Garage on Level 0, St Paul de Vence, France

On the 4th Sunday of every month, we join together in fellowship after the service to enjoy a meal together. Chaque quatrième dimanche du mois, nous nous rassemblons après le culte pour déjeuner ensemble....

Sunday Worship St Paul (in person and on-line) / Culte à IBC Saint-Paul dimanche (sur place ou en ligne)

IBC St Paul de Vence Rond Point Sainte Claire, Espace Sainte Claire Commercial Center/Indigo Parking Garage on Level 0, St Paul de Vence, France

Join us on Sunday morning at 1045 in St Paul de Vence to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche 1045 pour adorer notre Seigneur. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...