Join us on Sunday morning at 1045 in St Paul de Vence to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche 1045 pour adorer notre Seigneur. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...
On the 4th Sunday of every month, we join together in fellowship after the service to enjoy a meal together. Please bring food or drinks to share. We always need help setting up and...
On the 4th Sunday of every month, we join together in fellowship after the service to enjoy a meal together. Chaque quatrième dimanche du mois, nous nous rassemblons après le culte pour déjeuner ensemble....
Join us on Sunday afternoon at 1730 (530PM) to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche après-midi à 17h30 pour adorer notre Seigneur avec nous. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...
Please join us Tuesday evenings in Vence. Bring snacks to share and your Bible. IMPORTANT: DURING GOOD WEATHER, THE LOCATION MAY CHANGE TO PASTOR JAMES' DECK. IF UNCERTAIN, PLEASE REACH OUT. Rejoignez-nous le mardi...
Inés and Vlad invite you to their home for a young adults group on Tuesday evenings in Nice. It will begin at 1900 (7PM) with a dinner served followed by Bible study and discussion....
Please join us in person at the Nice church or on-line. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 847 1213 4193 Passcode: ObsIntApp Find your local number:
Join us for Art and Coffee. No art experience is necessary. Breakfast will be provided. Kids are welcome, but supervision is required. Rejoignez-nous pour l'Art et le Café. Aucune expérience artistique n'est nécessaire. Le...