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The International Churches of Nice and Saint Paul de Vence

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Thursday Thinkers Bible Study Nice (in person and on-line)

IBC Nice 13 rue Vernier, Nice, France

Please join us in person at the Nice church or on-line. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 847 1213 4193 Passcode: ObsIntApp --- One tap mobile +16699006833,,84712134193# US (San Jose) +16892781000,,84712134193# US --- Dial...

Thursday Thinkers Bible Study Nice (in person and on-line)

IBC Nice 13 rue Vernier, Nice, France

Please join us in person at the Nice church or on-line. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 847 1213 4193 Passcode: ObsIntApp --- One tap mobile +16699006833,,84712134193# US (San Jose) +16892781000,,84712134193# US --- Dial...

Thursday Thinkers Bible Study Nice (in person and on-line)

IBC Nice 13 rue Vernier, Nice, France

Please join us in person at the Nice church or on-line. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 847 1213 4193 Passcode: ObsIntApp --- One tap mobile +16699006833,,84712134193# US (San Jose) +16892781000,,84712134193# US --- Dial...