Young Adults Group / Jeunes Adultes
Inés and Vlad invite you to their home for a young adults group on Tuesday evenings in Nice. It will begin at 1900 (7PM) with a dinner served followed by Bible study and discussion....
Inés and Vlad invite you to their home for a young adults group on Tuesday evenings in Nice. It will begin at 1900 (7PM) with a dinner served followed by Bible study and discussion....
Please join us in person at the Nice church or on-line. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 847 1213 4193 Passcode: ObsIntApp Find your local number:
Join us on Sunday morning at 1045 in St Paul de Vence to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche 1045 pour adorer notre Seigneur. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...
Join us on Sunday afternoon at 1730 (530PM) to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche après-midi à 17h30 pour adorer notre Seigneur avec nous. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...
Please join us Tuesday evenings in Vence. Bring snacks to share and your Bible. IMPORTANT: DURING GOOD WEATHER, THE LOCATION MAY CHANGE TO PASTOR JAMES' DECK. IF UNCERTAIN, PLEASE REACH OUT. Rejoignez-nous le mardi...
Inés and Vlad invite you to their home for a young adults group on Tuesday evenings in Nice. It will begin at 1900 (7PM) with a dinner served followed by Bible study and discussion....
Please join us in person at the Nice church or on-line. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 847 1213 4193 Passcode: ObsIntApp Find your local number:
Join us on Sunday morning at 1045 in St Paul de Vence to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche 1045 pour adorer notre Seigneur. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...
On the 4th Sunday of every month, we join together in fellowship after the service to enjoy a meal together. Please bring food or drinks to share. We always need help setting up and...
Join us on Sunday afternoon at 1730 (530PM) to worship our Lord. Rejoignez-nous le dimanche après-midi à 17h30 pour adorer notre Seigneur avec nous. In following our instructions from the Bible, we encourage in-person...
Please join us Tuesday evenings in Vence. Bring snacks to share and your Bible. IMPORTANT: DURING GOOD WEATHER, THE LOCATION MAY CHANGE TO PASTOR JAMES' DECK. IF UNCERTAIN, PLEASE REACH OUT. Rejoignez-nous le mardi...
Inés and Vlad invite you to their home for a young adults group on Tuesday evenings in Nice. It will begin at 1900 (7PM) with a dinner served followed by Bible study and discussion....